Why should I take a bowel screening test?
Bowel issues and cancers can often be successfully treated when caught early. The SBM home test is reliable and accurate, quickly detecting the often invisible warning signs that something is amiss.
At-home bowel screening tests are proving popular with people who want assurance, but do not qualify for the national bowel screening programme. Clean and convenient for anyone who wants accurate and private results.
Early-stage bowel cancer often has no symptoms; signs and symptoms that can appear over time are:
- Bleeding from your bottom, or blood in your stools.
- Changes in your bowel motions in frequency, diarrhoea or constipation.
- Stomach pain, including bloating and cramps.
- Unexplained weight loss.
- Anaemia, tiredness or weakness.
Stool catcher
Specimen collection tube (with extraction buffer)
Test cassette
SBM Bowel Screening Rapid Test
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